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Rapid and Assisted Detection & Response

3CORESec RADR is a comprehensive cyber security solution designed for swift and efficient intervention, ideal for field usage and incident response. This self-contained unit seamlessly combines advanced detection capabilities as well as the hardware and software required to detect a wide range of threats.
Rapid and Assisted Detection & Response

Self-contained cyber security ecosystem

Efficiently detect and neutralize security threats with RADR's user-friendly interface, anytime and anywhere.

Threat Information

Every RADR unit is dispatched with the latest actionable threat intelligence, sourced from both our proprietary research and detection engineering, and standardized industry feeds.

User-Friendly Interface

The RADR user portal offers a dynamic web-based platform, delivering an intuitive interface for users across all skill levels to effortlessly analyze data reported by the RADR unit.

Response Readiness

Crafted for swift incident response and brief engagements, this tool is vital for organizations aiming to promptly and efficiently tackle security threats.

Versatile Defense

Streamlined and cost-effective, RADR negates the need for extra hardware or specialized personnel, perfect for diverse incident response scenarios like maritime or industrial settings.

We let our certifications speak for themselves

Unmatched security and ease-of-use

Comprehensive Threat Detection

Benefit from our industry leading detection engineering and rulesets paired with our managed SIEM, without any configuration or setup required.

Expert Collaboration

As part of 3CORESec ONE, RADR users can easily collaborate with experts to triage and remediate security threats with just one click.

Actionable AI Detections

RADR is the perfect fit for the advanced AI-powered detection capabilities of our managed SIEM. Use your data to train machine-learning anomaly models through a single click in the RADR customer portal.
our approach

Built for every occasion

Versatile and Robust Design

Delivered in less than 24 hours with a setup time of less than 5 minutes. Perfect for rapid deployment and field-usage.

Hassle-Free Deployment

All RADR units are shipped specifically prepared for your environment, requiring only electrical power to operate.

Uncompromising Security

RADR units fulfill rigorous operational security standards, featuring tamper-proof packaging and data self-deletion for client confidentiality post-engagement.
